Monday, September 18, 2006

Mama's in town

I know, I know ... I'm a slacker. I haven't posted anything lately, but in my defense I haven't really been on the computer much. I took a few days off of work to spend some quality time with my mama! My mom was in town for the last week so its been "go-time"; we headed up to Whistler for a day, took in the Body Worlds exhibit at Science World (so incredible ~ a must see for sure), mauled Josie's baby for an afternoon (had to let mom get in a good dose of baby so she stops harassing me bout having one), walked tons and ate loads of yummy homemade bread (yes, I know, I'm a Jenny Craig failure, but oh my gawd soooooooo good). I'm going to have to do some intense cardio to burn off that loaf mom ~ but it was all worth it! Thanks! Nothing beats having your mom around for some good ol' time cookin, oh, and lets not forget to mention cleaning. I don't think my floors have ever been swiffered as many times in one week, EVER! I also now have the most spotless windows on the block! Just call my mom Monica from friends ~ its excellent!! My attention deficit disorder would kick in long before I was ever able to get my windows as spotless as mom does. However, I think I may have learned the secret ~ vinegar! Okay, so it doesn't smell like roses, but it certainly cleans like a dream! Thanks for everything mom, we had a great visit! Come visit anytime!! Check out a few pics from our visit.

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